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Don't take my word for it.

Hear what others have to say...

Life changing fat loss

I lost over 2 stone after the first 12 sessions and signed up for another 12. The second batch of 12 was great, we switched up the exercises and tweaked various parts of the diet to ensure I was getting the right amount of energy and nutrition to supplement the workouts. I'm not a morning person at all, but I had no trouble getting out of bed for Jon because it was always going to be a great workout!


So far I've lost nearly 4 stone this year and have taken on Jon's instruction not as a 'diet' in the traditional sense, but as my daily routine. I've learned so much about nutrition and exercise that I'm able to address issues with my diet and nutrition and also create my own workouts with confidence.


As cliché as it sounds, it has been a life-changing experience training with Jon this year. There's nothing more rewarding than putting in the effort and not only seeing the results for yourself, but friends, family and co-workers noticing the results as well. Training with Jon has been worth every penny and I'd do it all again without hesitation (although hopefully I won't need to!).

Lost my Baby weight

I was very nervous about having a personal trainer. I was fourteen weeks postpartum and over 21lbs heavier than before I became pregnant. My husband researched and booked Jon as a Christmas present. I was desperate to lose my baby weight and wear my pre-pregnancy clothes again. I didn’t want to redefine myself as 21lbs heavier!


On my initial training session I was incredibly nervous but Jon quickly put me at ease. He listened to me and alleviated any concerns I had which mainly related to how unfit I had become during my pregnancy. After a thorough assessment of my fitness and capability, I received an easy to follow exercise and nutritional plan. Each training session I had with Jon was testing but always achievable. At no point did I feel I was being pushed to do something that I wasn’t physically capable of doing. There were weeks where life events got in the way (lack of sleep mainly) and I was unable to achieve every single training session that was in my plan. I was always honest with Jon and he never made me feel guilty rather he was incredibly understanding and supportive.


After 14 training sessions, I have gained an incredible amount of fitness, lost the 21lbs and I have a much better understanding on what constitutes a good diet. I cannot recommend Jon enough; he has been fantastic and has managed to get me to where I wanted to be when I thought it was going to be completely unachievable.

Got my ultimate bikini body!

I asked Jon if he could design me the ‘ultimate bikini programme’ as we were going to the Maldives and I wanted my bikini body to look super lean and toned. The programme was different to any other I had completed. Jon had changed my nutrition programme to a higher fat intake, lots of oily fish…. I hate fish! With his help and amazing knowledge of nutrition he has helped me change my eating habits.


I began my programme the week before Christmas of all times. After completing my first week I had already noticed a big change in my figure. Amazing feeling! I was as good as I could have been over Christmas… still determined that I’m going to look fab in my bikini.


Jon can really help you achieve your goals all you have to do is give 100 % effort back. He is always quick to respond to any questions I had regarding my diet/exercises and give words of praise and encouragement. He has helped transform my shape in 8 weeks. I can’t recommend this guy enough, we have already booked in my next training programme, I’m sure I will be training with Jon for years to come.

Thanks so much Jon 


Got my mojo back!

15 years dedicated to my business had taken a toll on my self esteem and physical appearance.  I wasn’t happy with myself and I'd totally lost my mojo. My weight had catapulted from 12 stone to 15 stone 10 pounds.


So I finally decided to contact Jon. I told him how I felt and he said he could definitely help me. Wow what a gentleman. His knowledge of how the body responds to exercise and diet is second to none and he makes it easy to understand. I loved the training with Jon - the workouts were structured so well that by an end of session I couldn’t believe how much I had achieved in one hour. As well as the training he totally re-educated me on my eating habits, which has set me up for life. My fitness levels have gone through the roof. And best of all, I’ve got my mojo back! I can’t go through the week now without watching my sugar and carb intake and hitting the gym or road running at least 3 times.


With the magic of Jon and his personal training, I am down from 15 stone 10 pounds to 13 stone 8 pounds. What a great feeling. I now feel educated to look after my own body and health, and my new goal is 13 stone. Thanks Jon. 


Regained my fitness and figure

With a lot of travel involved for my job, having a monthly gym membership wasn't practical. Having got out of exercise I thought the best way to do this was to find a PT... enter Jon. I first met Jon nearly 4 years ago and at this point I had really let my fitness and figure go to the way side... I was very wobbly, very unfit, couldn't hold a plank for more than 5 seconds without my back hurting and wore big baggy tops and baggy tracksuit bottoms to cover up!


It really didn't take me long to get fit, Jon worked with me on exercises I would enjoy and routines that would make me stronger and fitter for playing netball as I had dusted off my trainers and was playing regional again. Annoyingly I didn't weigh myself at the start (my decision) but once I did 3 months later, I carried on to lose a further 20ibs! Jon has put up up with my whinging and yawning through early morning sessions, my irritating habit of complaining when he increased the reps each week and had tried to sneak the increase past me and also played to my competitive streak -- "well you did 30 of those last time...". Challenge accepted!!! Four years later including one pregnancy, I am still at my lightest and fittest!


Jon has made the sessions fun/challenging and will also do routines for me that I can do when I am travelling. He worked with me right through my pregnancy... I think stopping me at 37 weeks when I really struggled to get out of a forward lunge - cannot of been an elegant sight! And he subsequently got me back to my previous level of fitness and figure in no time at all after having my little boy.


Very sadly I am moving out of the area otherwise I would still continue with Jon. I couldn't recommend anyone more highly. Thank you Jon - our training sessions will most definitely be one of the things I miss most about leaving Leamington!!


Gave me confidence

One of the hardest things about relocating was having to be stopped being trained by Jon after five years. I can honestly say that I loved every session. I have a stressful job and truly believe that Jon has supported and encouraged me in so many positive ways which has enabled me to remain physically fit, which in turn has helped me in all areas of my life. His training and support proved to be exactly what I wanted and needed.


Jon was always 100% reliable. He was never late and was totally prepared for every session. The sessions were designed to meet my personal needs and I felt that he had a sixth sense which enabled him to know exactly what I needed.


Jon's personality meant that he not only became a perfect trainer but also a good friend. These unique skills and qualities are special and helped contribute to the development of confidence and happiness in my personal and professional life. I have also recommended Jon to friends who have also gained so much and loved their sessions with him. I honestly could not have wished for a better personal trainer who has made a huge impact on my life for five years.  


Lost 30 Ibs & I now enjoy exercise!

I had yo-yo dieted over the years, mainly by joining slimming clubs, but had inevitably put the weight back on. I felt that my health was beginning to be compromised therefore I had to turn things around. I contacted Jon as I felt that exercise rather than diet alone was what I needed.


Jon immediately put me at ease. He is friendly and professional and pitches the workouts at exactly the right level. I never felt embarrassed or self conscious and. although hard, I never felt they were unachievable and this gave me confidence.


The eating plan has been easy to follow and fit around my family and in conjunction with regular workouts I have so far lost 30 Its in 4 months. The most dramatic change however, is my desire to exercise. Until working with Jon, it had never been part of my life.

Now, I genuinely enjoy it. 


I cannot recommend Jon highly enough and (corny as it may sound) he has helped me change my life. 



BEN (AGE 23)
Passed the Ambulance fitness test

I started working with Jon as I wanted to improve my fitness to undertake a fitness test to progress within the ambulance service to become a paramedic. Jon's sessions were always well planned, very professional, specific to my goals and targeted around my current fitness level. Jon was always extremely supportive and encouraging to keep me motivated and moving me towards my goal. In a very short time I achieved my goals and successfully passed the fitness test which I could not have done without Jon.


I enjoyed Jon's sessions so much that I continued working with him for more than a month afterwards to keep up my progress until I had to move away for work. I can honestly say that working with Jon has changed my perspective in relation to my fitness and health and that I wish I was able to keep working with him. Sadly I don't think a 100+ mile drive for each session would be practical :)


I would encourage anyone to try a few sessions with Jon. Warning, you will enjoy it, you will feel better in yourself and you will get hooked on exercise! 

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